Help Feed the Hungry
There are a number of ways you can get involved and help feed the hungry today!
Make a Donation
For just .35 cents per meal, Aurora Interfaith provides fresh, nutritious food to those in need. Join us in making a difference by donating today! Your contribution matters!
Fund a Meal
$25 provides 75 meals
$50 provides 150 meals
$100 provides 300 meals
$250 provides 725 meals
$500 provides 1,450 meals
$1,000 provides 2,900 meals
Become a Sponsor
We have various sponsor opportunities available ranging from Event Sponsorships to A La Carte Opportunities. We look forward to working with you company or organization to find and opportunity that is inlign with your strategic marketing plan.
Contact us to find out more!
email: cstimson@aurorainterfaith.org
Call 303-360-9938

Host a FoodDrive
Please help us collect non-perishable foods to fill the pantry shelves. Our food pantry serves over 40,000 individuals each year. The shelves must remain full to meet the need for food assistance in our community
What we Need
Canned fruits and vegetables, canned beans, canned chicken or tuna, powdered milk, peanut butter, rice, pastas, dried herbs and spices, granola bars, nuts, soups, stew and chili, whole grain cereal, toilet paper, paper towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner.
Food donations can be dropped of Monday through Thursday between 9am-12:30pm. Simply park in the back of our pantry, ring the bell and someone will be out to assist you. You will receive a receipt for your tax filing purposes. For food drive support items please email jrico@aurorainterfaith.org .